May 12, 2019

Wild Bill

I fight with my pistol to get to my rifle - which I shouldn't have put down in the first place! - Wild Bill, random drinking bout.

Time is at a premium currently so I'm focusing on quick little jobs to keep the project ticking over. This chap is from Ion Age's Precinct Adventurers set. Looking at him, I was reminded of the Firefly series so the decision was made to go with a duller, even drab, colour scheme. Clearly, he's a rogue gun slinger operating on the fringes of society or some such thing.
So many browns used here: Skrag Brown, XV-88, Dryad Bark and Tuskgor Fur on the coat. To break things up a little bit, I threw Averland Sunset on the vest and gloves which... didn't do much to break things up. So I went with Mephiston Red on the trim in a bit to jazz it up slightly. To my surprise (and delight), it all came out nicely. The model itself is lovely, the pose is quite dynamic and has the added benefit of allowing access to all its nooks and crannies.
Now, without a squad, he's less useful for large games but there are plenty of narrative rulesets out there to try.

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